Recreation area Domaša – 23 km
Great Domasa the multipurpose dam, reservoir, district Ústí nad Topľou. It was built between 1962 – 1967. Great Domasa Bžany near the village. The dam is located in Domasa Ondavská Ondava highlands in the valley, underneath a small buffer tank Small Domasa. Dam Domasa two thirds of the area lies in the district Ústí nad Topľou, only the northern part of the district extends into Stropkov.
The entire reservoir water resources is of great importance to the multifunctional nature: the regulation of water into the tributaries of the Eastern lowlands, hot water reservoir and the prospective use of drinking water and recreational purposes. The area of the tank is 14.22 km ², a length of 13.8 kilometers, maximum width of approximately 3 km, maximum depth of 25 m. Because annual rainfall fluctuations and uneven collection of water level in the course of intensive fluctuate, causing abrasion of the banks, followed by activation of slippages on adjacent slopes, significantly affecting economic facilities, especially roads ..
City Giraltovce and its sightseeing- 6 km
Giraltovce stretch in the southern part of Low Beskydy mountains at the confluence of two rivers, and Topli Radomka. Radomka flowing directly into the terrain Giraltoviec create breakthrough (notch), the elevation of the levels at the highest peak is about 80 m. Altitude of the village is 210 m n.m. and the land area from 170 to 357 meters n.m.
The surface of the land area in the western part of the city (right-Nábrežná part Topli) is flat. The eastern part of the surface of the terrain surrounding the city is slightly hilly and picturesque highlands creates. The geological composition of soil súvrstvia consists of Tertiary flysch (sandstone, claystone) štvrtohorných of debris (gravel, sand and clay) and clay slope.
City Prešov and its sightseeing- 20 km
The origin of the name of the city Prešov.Legenda says that when the 12.storočí King of Hungary Bela II. Blank, resided in this region is losing his retinue. In seeking the way to escort your thirst and hunger zaháňal strawberries that grow in these parts in abundance. When he found the evening of the Knights of the young men, the king decided to name the gratitude of the nearby village under the strawberries. Historically, however, this legend has no credible basis. The name “Presov” emerges only from the 16th century. Until Eperies name is used under Slovak historian Professor alley only phonetic adaptation of old Slovak name. And the name of Prešov nekorení the Hungarian word “EPER” (strawberry), but the Slavic name of Pres.